Cisindo does series of research to develop specialized techniques
towards the most efficient solutions and best results. We keep
on developing our system to find the most effective and economist
Together with our supportive partners, we are ready to help our
customers solving their problems, especially in production and
We do believe that adding or giving a little change to the usual
method will create a better result, more efficient and cost effective.

Below is an example of a case study on one of research and development
department we have encountered:
A wood production company based in Jakarta - Indonesia wanted
to increase their amount of production.
After series of research and study, we came to the point that
the central problem is the use of the knife.
From the research we have done, we replaced the old knife with
a better quality knife, with an addition of FEM simulation to
the knife.
The production turn-over increased up to more than 100% per day.
This was realized with a longer durability knife that we have
made. Knife substitution was then unnecessary be done as often
as before, which realized a faster and more efficient production
Other research and development we have done:
+ Plastic technology (water injection, compression injection,etc.)
+ Material technology (plastic, metal and non-metal)
+ Die casting, stamping, progressive die, etc.
For more information about research and development service please
do not hesitate to contact